If you’re good with Excel, you may have already come up with Excel macros. There is a growing demand for streamlining productivity tools, and if your macros are up to it, they could be just what somebody is looking for. Now the question I have been asked is: can you sell Excel macros on Etsy?
You can sell Excel macros on Etsy. You don’t have to ask for permission or give royalties to Microsoft. All you need is to make sure your macros are in a file format that can be easily downloaded and used by others. It is also a good idea to register your macros with the US Copyright Office for added protection.

Read on as I delve into more details on how you can make money from Excel macros on Etsy.
Get 40 free listings when you sign up for Etsy here.
Can I Sell Excel Macros on Etsy? Is it Legal?
You can sell Excel macros on Etsy as long as you have taken the time to create original macros. You do not need permission from Microsoft or any other company to sell your macros.
It is also 100% legal to sell Excel macros on Etsy. You just have to make sure the macros you are selling are your own original work.
However, depending on when and where you created the Excel macros, it may not be always legal to sell them. For example, if you created the macros when you were employed by a company, then it is possible that the company owns the intellectual property rights to your creations.
Why? Unless your contract with your employer specifies otherwise, often, any work you do for the employer during your work hours and from the company’s resources (such as computers, internet connection) then it can be argued that the employer owns the intellectual property rights to any work you create.
Therefore, before selling your Excel macros on Etsy or anywhere else for that matter, make sure that you own all the necessary rights to them.
Note also that you cannot sell Excel itself as a product on Etsy. Excel is a Microsoft software that is not available for independent sale.
How to Sell Excel Macros on Etsy?
Once you have established the legal rights to your macros and are sure that you own them, it’s time to list them on Etsy. Here are the steps to do so:
Create an account with Etsy: Head over to Etsy and create an account. You want to ensure your profile looks professional and has all the necessary information for potential buyers. To do this click on Shop Manager in the top right-hand corner. It is a little store icon. Then on the left-hand side of the screen click settings > Info & Appearance. Here you can add a shop icon and info about your shop to make it look more professional.

Create a Digital Item. Once the shop is up and running you need to add your listing of the macro. On the left-hand side click on Listings and then in the top right corner click Add A Listing. This is where you fill out all the information on your product.
Add photos of your item in action and add a good description of what it does and how it is going to help the buyer solve a problem. You can even upload a short video of it if you have a screen recorder. This will really help the buyer make up their mind.
Make sure you use all the characters available in the title and fill it with keyword people may type in to find your products. And then use these keywords in you tags. You get 13 and use them all.
You also need to select that it is a digital product, not a physical one which is what the listing will be set to by default.

Decide how you’ll price your Excel macros: You get to choose how you want to price your Excel macros. You can use a fixed or variable pricing model, depending on what you feel is right for the product. It can be a good option to price the product high and then you can always run a sale to make it look like the buyer is getting a good deal.
Package the macro into an appropriate file format for download and upload it to Etsy: Towards the bottom of the listing page, you will get the opportunity to upload the macro. When uploading the file, make sure you include a clear and detailed description of the macro’s features, capabilities, and purpose. If it needs instructions on how to use it make sure you have them with the download. Being as helpful as you can be is important to get good reviews. Getting good reviews really helps your future sales.
Promote your macros: You want to make sure you are taking the necessary steps to promote your Excel macros. You can use Etsy Ads, SEO tactics, or any other preferred means of marketing. Even driving your own traffic from external sites like social media or blogs can help with getting orders. Etsy likes to get customers from other sites so if you are bringing new customers to them they will likely help you with ranking your products higher.
Monitor your shop and analyze sales performance: This is important as it will help you understand what works and what needs to be improved. Having a range of products on Etsy is great. Not only does it give you a better chance of getting a sale but it also gives you more information on buyer intent. As you add more products with different keywords more customers will find you. You can then monitor how they found you I’m the stats section of the Shop Manager.
Each listing will have its own stats on how many views it’s had, how many purchases, and where the traffic came from. Even the keywords people typed into Etsy search to find your listing.
This information is important. Armed with this you can make informed decisions on which products are working and get to work making similar ones.
Once you are done setting up the shop, your Excel macros will be ready to sell on Etsy. All that’s left is to wait for buyers to show up and purchase them from you.
Tips for Marketing Your Excel Macros on Etsy
To gain an edge over other competitors in the market, it is important that you learn how to create a successful Excel macros store on Etsy. Here are some tips for doing so:
Optimize your product listings
Make sure you use relevant keywords and phrases in the titles, tags, and descriptions of your Excel macros. This will help potential buyers find them easily on Etsy. The first few sentences of your product description are read by Google. This means if someone is not even on Etsy and just Googling your product or the problem they have, then your product could potentially show up on Google search which is very powerful.
Create a professional-looking shop
Your shop should look neat and well-organized. Make sure you use high-quality images and videos to showcase your Excel macros.
Offer discounts and promotions
Offering discounts or freebies can be a great way to attract more buyers to your store. You can offer promotional codes, discounts, or even freebies to entice buyers. Etsy makes it very easy to offer such discounts and offers. As said before you can always place the products at a high price and then run a sale to entice customers. This works well for many products. Just look through the Etsy marketplace to see how many sellers are using this technique.

Use social media
Leveraging social media can help you reach a larger audience and promote your products more effectively. Post regularly on popular platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc., to build awareness about your store and Excel macros. If Excel is something you know a lot about then maybe even start a Facebook group on the subject. This can take a lot of time to get traction but once you have a good number of people in the group it can be a very powerful selling tool as everyone is there for the same reason.
Monitor customer feedback
Make sure to monitor customer reviews and feedback as this will help you understand and identify areas for improvement. Responding to customer queries in a timely manner is also important, as it shows that you value their opinion.
Following these tips can help you create an effective marketing strategy and reach more potential buyers. With the right strategies, your Excel macros store on Etsy can become a success.
Can You Sell Excel Macros on Esty: FAQ
Is it okay to sell Excel macros on Etsy?
Yes, it is possible to sell Excel macros on Etsy as long as you own the necessary rights over them and do not infringe upon any intellectual property laws.
How much can I charge for an Excel macro on Etsy?
The price of an Excel macro depends on its complexity, features, and purpose. You can use a fixed or variable pricing model, depending on what you feel is right for the product. Typically these sell for between $4 – $12 but there are some really complex ones for $40. And the great thing about these digital products is there is no cost of reproducing. Once you have made it you can sell it thousands of times for no extra cost.
How much can I make selling Excel macros?
There is not really a limit to how much you can make. It is all down to the work you put in. Look at CoProducts for an example. They have managed to do almost 20,000 sales in a year of starting Etsy. Their products range from $7 to $20 so even if you split it down the middle they could have reached the region of $250,000 in sales. This would be a great income for any business in its first year but to be able to do that from your home desk with a laptop and no upfront capital it is truly amazing.

Notice how professional their shop looks. They have spent hours getting this right and it has really paid off for them. To reach the big numbers they have it is not just a case of coming up with a useful template. The aesthetics are just as important as this is what will catch the buyers’ eyes when they are scrolling through the listings.
Can I promote my Excel macros on Etsy?
You can promote your Excel macros on Etsy using various marketing tactics such as SEO, PPC ads, social media posts, etc. Doing so will help you reach more potential buyers.
Is there any risk of copyright infringement when selling Excel macros on Etsy?
Yes. If you are selling macros that you did not create or do not have the rights to, you risk copyright infringement. Make sure that you own all the necessary rights before selling any Excel macros on Etsy.
Final Thoughts
Selling Excel macros on Etsy can be a great way to make money from your existing skills and expertise. As long as you follow the necessary rules and regulations, it can be an incredibly rewarding way to make a living. Make sure to research the market and create a successful marketing strategy before getting started.
Digital downloads are very popular on Etsy. In today’s world people do not have the time to sit and create these files for themselves, when they can head over to Etsy and for a few dollars have it immediately.
For this reason, there are sellers on Etsy making thousands of dollars a month and have turned their side hustle into a full-time income where they can work the hours they like where ever they like. You don’t need to be strapped to the laptop all day as Etsy handles all the transactions. All you need to do is create the files and maybe answer the odd question a customer may have about one of your products.